Introduction to the Art World

This is quite a new step for me considering my lack of social skills and reclusive-ness, but what my mind can not express through using vocal cords it expresses a tad bit better with my fingers. So, if anyone is listening, these are my thoughts and opinions expressed in a blog. I will be covering a wide array of topics, but my conquest of the art world is likely the main topic. Speaking of the art world though, I think some of you may be out in the dark. Yes, there is an art world out there and yes, it bites. There is almost literally a door someone needs to step through before being recognized in this world. There is no need to be timid about walking through it like most of us are. It's time to be boastful and retaliate against the quiet atmosphere of tuxedo wine glasses and beret wearing artists. If there's going to be a change in this art world environment, we need to make it applicable to everyone. It's not tea time anymore. Art is no longer subject to the opera house, it just needs to be recognized.

There have been valid attempts (for an example just look at modernism) but the efforts fall flat every time and is then consumed by the present art world. Any rebellion against this by any artist is seen as "cutting edge" and then everyone wants a piece of it. But, let's be honest, the tuxedo people are really no different than the rest of us. The old Bourgeoisie is dead (or is hiding under the bed) and the middle ground won the war of the rich and poor. Don't see this as the divide being broken and everyone turned to shades of gray, no, the line was broken and now we have more colour (for you out there looking for typo's, colour is color in Canada and Brit-land).

So, here's a very very brief update on the art world history up to now (The Brodi Version). You probably already know about Monet, Van Gogh, Cezanne and the rest of the ever so famous impressionists. And probably about the most famous of artists, Picasso and his handy work on taking a giant lead spoon and mixing up the art world until no one knew what it was anymore. I can go on about him, Michelangelo and Da Vinci and how they gave artists the status of fine artist and not craftsman...but I won't. It's old news. I prefer to go on about what's been happening in the last 110 years and most of all, what's happening today. Most of you don't know this, but we don't call today's art "Modernism" we call it "Contemporary". It's all to do with World War 2 and the shift in dominant art cities. When Paris (the old dominant art city) fell to the Germans the new city became New York City and a little later on London. The title of Modernism slowly fell when the popular modernist painters got older and eventually died (there's still some out there painting).

Right now, we have this guy named Damien Hirst and he's aweful swell. Never heard of him? Well, maybe you've heard of his famous  Dead Shark a.k.a "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" 

Or, better yet, his diamond encrusted skull "For the Love of God"

Yes, it's a shiny skull with 8,601 diamonds on it. The asking price was £50,000,000.
This was in the Free Press in Winnipeg, no doubt all around the world.

So, why is this guy so important? Beats the hell out of me, but then again, I couldn't tell you why
 Dali was so famous either.

I don't think anyone really understands why it is that some artists get all the attention while some lag behind. That's the world for you (the world world, not the art world)

Anyway, here's a part in the blog where I introduce you to some new music. I'll elaborate more on this later, but for now, just enjoy this tune.

Panda Bear - Comfy In Nautica

This is Brodi
From Brodi Blog

1 comment:

  1. Aloha, welcome aboard Brodi. Monet has exceptional artwork with one being "Morning on the Seine near Giverny" oil on canvas.

    The skull holds attention better. The shark is totally creepy. In relation to the skull pic here is a link on other skull art by Quinn Gregory which is pretty kewl.

    You'll learn quickly and meet new artists/others by following/joining other blogs, MyBlogLog, and Blog Catalog just to name a few when you're ready to of course.

    Cheers (:
