The Coloured Lines Sing

Jackson Pollock
"The method of painting is the natural growth out of a need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them. "

Each painting calls out to different people in a different way and if the one is right for you, you'll know because you'll be in tears. Don't believe me? Maybe you should take a look at some paintings. I'm not talking about the net or a print. An actual painting. If I put you in a room with an original painting, a print of that painting and then a photograph of that painting, you might just ask yourself "how can this be? They look nothing alike!" Doubt you'll ever get that sort of reaction, huh? Well, do this enough times and you'll be very….very surprised. Which is a reason why you should never buy art online, because you don't really really know what you're buying. But before I go on about tips for buying original artwork (which I'm oh so very tempted to do) I want to talk with you about abstract art.
If you want to get a sense of someone, I say, look at their work. With abstract, it's a million times easier to get a sense of what the person is like than with realism because with realism you never know if the artist is telling a story they liked or telling a personal story. The really good artists can make any realism look personal and intimate and this isn't my problem. When you have someone who's technically trained and can pull off something intimate every once in a while, it gets really confusing whether this guy is actually any good or if he's just sticking to the artist rule book. Abstract is very hard to pull off and is usually pretty easy to point out the talentless ones. Since the whole point of abstract is to get down to the raw emotion without having figures or representations get in the way, the true talent of the artist shows through. You paint sadness, you don't paint a sad woman. That's the difference. Less interference. Like it or don't, that's your choice.

Mark Rothko
"The progression of a painter's work as it travels in time from point to point, will be toward clarity.. toward the elimination of all obstacles between the painter and the idea.. and the idea and the observer.. To achieve this clarity is inevitably to be understood."
Song Of The Day
King Crimson - Neil and Jack and Me

This is Brodi
From Brodi Blog

1 comment:

  1. Or smiling or... What is the difference between an artist who is technically trained as opposed to an artist who has an art history background or...? Stories aren't something I had thought about. Thank you.
